Our next tattooed poet is melanie kristeen, who shared this phenomenal tattoo:
melanie gave us a little background on the tattoo:
"The tattoo on my left forearm is of a few orchids with water droplets and was done by Aleah Lauren (@iyamaleah) who works in Austin, Texas. The piece was crafted to pay homage to Clarice Lispector's stream-of-consciousness masterpiece, Água Viva. We read this experimental novel in the second year of my MFA program. It was inspiring and refreshing to me during a time when I sincerely began to doubt my relationship to poetry and writing. The tattoo was inspired by the quote from the book below,
The beautiful orchid is exquise and unpleasant. It isn't spontaneous. It needs a glass dome. But it is a magnificent woman and that cannot be denied. Nor can it be denied that it is noble because it is epiphytic. Epiphytes are born on other plants without however taking nutrition from them. I was lying when I said it was unpleasant. I adore orchids. They're born artificial, they're born art."melanie shared the following poem, as well:
for the Men and Women
who still don’t know
what to make of it
These stories are true. – statement from louis c.k.
I. curtain
I resolve to stare out from below || back and forth,
back and forth || through his window the sky appears
to breathe – breath heavy and ugly, the clouds are still
moving west, though, just barely || he clenches My wrists tight
as though spindles for fire || back and forth, I twist back and forth
so hard I drip pomegranate juice from forearms and elsewhere
My throat aches – it just wants sleep,
sullen and swollen though it may be.
II. coda
I don’t dream in parables
but that night I walked through a field
of dead palomino horses
on piles of yellowed fig leaves ||
in the black I sucked
my gums so hard
a tooth came straight
out of my skull and into being.
~ ~ ~

Thanks to melanie for sharing her tattoo and poem with us here on the Tattooed Poets Project on Tattoosday!
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