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Photo by A. M. Brant |
Our next tattooed poet is Brittney Scott, who sent us the photo of the tattoo above, of the lines "you fit into me/like a hook into an eye // a fish hook/an open eye."
She tells us,
"I grew up in an abusive household. And like so many others, I sought out, no matter how dysfunctional, these similar relationships in my adult life. This tattoo, which is a stellar short poem by feminist, theorist, Canadian writer Margaret Atwood, is a reminder of how dark and damaging love can be. I got this at Earthborne Studios in my home-town, Evansville, IN, after I got out of a particularly bad relationship. I believe I used it as a catalyst for change. Not only b/c poetry saved me, but b/c it was a promise to myself to break the cycle of abuse.Brittney sent us this poem, as well, which originally appeared in Notre Dame Review, No. 36:
Blue Period
Someone left a balled up child’s sock,
all lonely looking
in the washer, abandoned at the laundromat.
I plan for the future:
tonight I’ll warm up a Banquet
dinner in the microwave
and the moths will forget the moon for the fat
bare bulb of porch light.
There is an onion rolling around in my head.
Chris shot himself nine years ago today, each day
shot by something.
If I stick my head in a dryer it sounds like a womb. A
bullet hole
in the glass door rises into vision like a sun spot,
a picture flashed without asking.
Someone painted a blue sky
on the empty wall above the dryers
with sundresses and bloomers puffing in the pretend breeze.
Even a stuffed bear lovingly hangs on the line.
Butterflies and bluebirds.
It’s like one of those dreams where you run toward someone
you love
who is in danger, who has been hurt,
the person you love has been hurt badly,
but the ground just keeps coming up under your feet
and the only embrace you’ll be granted
is the ever expanding distance between.
~ ~ ~
Thanks to Brittney for sharing her tattoo and poem with us here on Tattoosday's Tattooed Poets Project!
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